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The third world in including nuclear

   The third world including nuclear weapons

The nuclear war would have a huge negative impact on our earth environment. Though daily headlines in news, radio, talk about the safety of nations and citizens, little has been said about the environmental impact of earth climate change

In my vision we are closer to a nuclear war, both Kim Jong-un and President Trump are bullies inclined to escalate confrontations. President Trump lacks impulse control, and there are precious few checks on his ability to initiate a nuclear strike. We have to hope that our generals, both inside and outside the White House, can rein him in.

All you North Korea would most certainly “lose” a nuclear war with the United States. But many millions of people would die, nuclear impact on including all country hundreds of thousands of Americans currently living in South Korea and Japan (probably North Korean targets). Such vast damage would be wrought in Korea, Japan, and Pacific island territories that any “victory” wouldn’t deserve the name. The nuclear war would have a huge negative impact on our earth environment.  Not only would that region be left with horrible suffering amongst the survivors; it would also immediately face famine and rampant disease. Radioactive fallout from such a war would spread around the world, including to the all major cities

In 21 century most of the changes in nuclear weapons technology since 1900 have focused on making them smarter, smaller and lighter, and making delivery systems more accurate, rather than on changing their effects on the environment or on human health. In 21 century nuclear bombs can flatten cities. Many if not most people within the blast radius which can be up to 10 miles would die instantly. Those who survived would wish they hadn’t since most would die later of severe burns or awful cancers. Radioactive fallout from these weapons’ debris clouds would reach the stratosphere, where it would travel worldwide, potentially contaminating crops and livestock as well as causing radiation sickness and cancer directly. Later, this fallout would cause genetic mutations in plants, animals, and human beings,

Nuclear explosions would also cause immense fires. The smoke from burning buildings, oil and gas fields, refineries, chemical factories, and industrial facilities would be highly toxic. Forest fires would engulf large areas. These effects would destroy more property and kill more people.

After the nuclear war on earth

After the nuclear war on earth every ware in air ionizing radiation, a radiation health physicist at the National Cancer Institute. “So these gamma rays are a lot like X-rays but they're much more powerful, much more energetic,” he adds, explaining that gamma rays can knock electrons out of atoms in our bones, skin and any materials they pass through. “It's actually those electrons that do the damage to the cells of the body, it's not the gamma rays directly.”

Nuclear fallout can also enter our bodies through the food we eat, he says. “So it's not the radiation that contaminates the plants, but it is the fallout material, it's the debris, it's this radioactive material. Once it enters the food chain, then it can travel. It can go through the food chain in steps, it can be diluted or can be concentrated, depending on the kind of food, and eventually can be consumed by man or animals.”

According to famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, it's time to free ourselves from Mother Earth. "I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space," Hawking tells Big Think. "It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.

Rise up as a people and demand that one’s government follow its Constitution, cut off funding for the war and find a way to peace. people of all nation must demand that Congress not give away or allow the president to usurp its sole authority under the Constitution to make the decision to go to war. Citizens should also demand that Congress exercise its power of the purse to prevent war, including not giving financial support to a president attempting to bribe other countries to participate in an illegal war.

Important message for readers and the whole world- war is a word that has taken the name of fear in the mind. War is a one of the most terrible evil in the world, which can destroy any nation few second. The causes of war can lead to many problems in life. It shows the nation of the armed war, during the war, the family has to suffer many problems, if any member of the family dies in battle. "When we declare war for peace, we can win the battle and lose the war."

Importance of peace-Peace is the great solution to everything. And It is the identity of a real man, who is not interested in any type of war and concentrate their mind among nations. It is the complete freedom of disturbance.
The peace is that manner, where no any possibility of war any fight by among people. If the world starts following order way of peace, then no any war can take place in the mind of people or nation. Once the world starts believes that war is the unnecessary thing and decide to abolish the war ultimately, they will certainly find a way for peaceful co-existence.

why peace is greater than war-There are the many reasons in the world that the, why peace is greater than war, why peace is greater than war. Everyone should follow the order manner.

  • The main reason for the peace is great is that human being can love by everyone.
  • Peaceful manner is universal in nature.
  • Peace fulfilled all necessary intentions.
  • It is greater than war because war can harm to each other, but peace never creates any harm for anyone.
  • A war cannot achieve, which can make possible by the peace.
  • The forces of peace can rule over ignorance and superstition, over illiteracy and immorality, over disease and physical suffering, over poverty and governmental oppression.
  • The conquest of the peace is non-violence and bloodless as compare to war.
  • Peace does not damage the life or property of the person, and it does not cause grief to humanity.

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