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Artificial intelligence take over human

        Artificial intelligence take over humans

Is man designing his way to create a robot and programming his way to the Artificial intelligence (AI). But now technology it is a growing fear in all people of the world. Intellectuals and world leaders fear that technological advancement will enable the uncontrolled rise of the robot like a robot.

A world of Robots and the artificial overlords. The predicted in Bible end of the earth?  After all, this is a subject that deals with questions of the End of the earth in human mind and whether humans have a soul, so it is logical to consult the Bible. (Artificial intelligence (AI). End of the earth)

In Terminator movie robots Artificial intelligence (AI) has grown bored of killing humans in a genocidal extravaganza and decides to end of the earth. The Resistance thinks it can end the war by bombing SkynetThe 21st century is a time in human evolution Artificial intelligence. We are solving the mystery of how the brain works and starting to build Artificial intelligence robots that work on the same principles as the brain.  We are entering the age of Artificial intelligence (AI). We have made excellent progress on the science, and see a clear path to creating Artificial intelligent robots, including ones that are faster and more capable than humans

Artificial intelligent robots will radically transform our world in the 21st century, similar to how computers transformed our world in the 20th century. Artificial intelligence surpassing and enslaving a man is no crackpot theory. Prominent figures in society promote it.

There is a risk on Artificial intelligence mainly governing the human in charge of intelligent robots and not the robot themselves. Misuse artificial intelligence like ruthless leader get to control artificial robots that can prove catastrophic in a war situation, it could lead to devastation as robots are commanded to destroy human
In the first time, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first introduced to humans as one a theme in science fiction books, movies, and story,  but it has become clear that it could become a reality. Research into drone, small robot, driverless cars are at an advanced level, and they could be on our roads in a couple of years or even sooner. Robots are already working alongside humans in high-tech activities such as the army, surgery. Automated machines dispense cash at banks, and the internet has connected the world, enabling people to communicate across continents in real time. Artificial intelligence Will Destroy

According to William Hawking pressed fears that creating machines that have the capacity to think, could turn out to be the last thing humans do as a species. As the machines become more intelligent than humans and decide they will no longer serve humans, it can lead to nightmare scenarios as seen in science fiction movies.
Hawking was a great scientist and he is not currently living among us. And they made all the prophecies in the end of the earth, in which the epic prophecy of the end of the Earth was being discussed for a longer time by Artificial intelligence ( AI)Robots. And I believe that the time is not far away, because the new technology is developing nowadays, which could be the reason for our end.

 (AI) Artificial intelligence negative facts
  • Artificial intelligence has crushed all human records in the puzzle game “2048,” achieving a high score of 839,732 and beating the game in only 973 moves without using any undos
  • The 1983 automonopoli was a computer version of monopoly marketed as the first to have an artificial intelligence strong enough to compete against human players.

  • Facebook is developing an artificial intelligence design to understand user emotions, identify objects in photos, and predict user actions.
  • Artificial intelligence systems are known as ‘robo farmers’ could soon grow crops and tend livestock around Britain while their human controllers need never set foot in a field again.
  • There is such a thing called genetic algorithm. And this algorithm can be applied to bots or artificial intelligence for it to learn over time to avoid obstacles. This is something that is based on how evolution works by surviving and adapting. 

  • We’re on the verge of starting an out-of-control arms race in ai-controlled weapons, which can weaken today’s powerful nations by making cheap and convenient assassination machines available to everybody with a full wallet and an axe to grind, including terrorist groups. Leading ai researchers oppose this and want an international ai arms control treaty.

This is an important message(AI) Robots- I want to deliver this message to every person, but I can not win individually for everybody, so I want to send this message to everyone from my blog. If you want to save the Earth, from (AI) Robots, then read this message carefully and send it to others so that we can save the planet.

In February, members of the European Parliament passed an amendment on the use of defense funds to produce such deadly and mass destruction and weapons production in the ground, although this amendment will be canceled this week considering the council's request. A Defense Fund was formed to reduce the dependence on US weapons and to make weapons in the European Union. Some mps expressed their fear that developing such killer robots would prove to be obsolete for mankind. There will be no control over humans when they use weapons in the battlefield. Thus these weapons are proven to be for the cause of world peace and for mankind's enemy. Some experts argued that it should be banned internally on the production and consumption of Leethal Autonomous Weapons before it becomes widespread. Last year, 116 industrialists, including Tesla founder Elon Musk, recommended banning such robots, he wrote in a letter that if this pandora opens, it will be difficult for humans to close it

Now the days of war between robots are not far away, instead of humans in the battlefield. Because the European Union (AI) robots are being developed which in the war, without any help of humans, fight and destroy enemies. These types of robots are named in the technical language Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAW). And in these robots (AI) artificial intelligence has been used.

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